Your April lie... Only three words, but how many feelings and meaning are hidden in them. I put off writing a review of this anime for a long time, for a very long time, but the time has come to overcome myself and overcome the storm of emotions seething in the depths of my heart. I warn you right away - it is purely physically impossible to write a review of “Your Lie in April” without spoilers . Therefore, I say in advance: this anime is definitely worth watching, you can proceed to watch it. Just keep in mind that it is emotionally strong, and if you, for example, are depressed, then watching it will only get worse. If, for certain reasons, you are not afraid of spoilers (and in the case of “Your Lie in April,” they can really ruin the viewing experience), then you can continue reading the review. I warned you!
Brief information
So, the musical anime Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (“Your lie in April”) was released in late 2014 – early 2015 by studio A -1 Pictures . A total of twenty-two episodes were shown, and an additional OVA episode about the very young main characters was released in the spring of 2015. The series aired on the Japanese television channel Fuji TV as part of the noitaminA . manga serves as the original for the anime , and one interesting fact is connected with it: the release of the manga ended just a month before the end of the anime! That is, even the most ardent fans learned about the ending only a month before everyone else. A curious technique that allowed the anime to attract increased attention, while at the same time increasing sales of the manga.
Your Lie in April tells the story of a talented pianist, fourteen-year-old Kousei Arima . As a child, he won absolutely every competition in which he participated, thanks to tireless training under the guidance of his strict mother. However, his mother was seriously ill, and after her death, Kosei lost the ability to hear himself play, as a result of which he abandoned the piano. Since then, the whole world seems to him monotonous and devoid of bright colors. The only joy in his life remains his friends - his neighbor Tsubaki Sawabe and his friend Ryota Watari . This continued until the willful violinist Kaori Miyazono brazenly burst into his gray life. She will help the main character return to the world of music, whether he wants it or not!
First impressions can be deceiving. I was convinced of this by my own example. When I watched the first episode of “Your Lie in April,” I abandoned further viewing until better times. It seemed to me that this was another stupid anime about ordinary schoolchildren who play musical instruments in their free time and sort things out with each other. Damn it, I've never been so wrong in my life...
Returning to watching a month later, I watched all 22 episodes in a couple of days - the whirlpool of emotions is so addictive. I again felt like an ordinary fourteen-year-old schoolboy, watching what was happening not through a monitor screen, but standing somewhere next to the characters at arm's length. It’s as if everything happens not with drawn anime characters, but with people you know well, with your friends. I haven't experienced anything like this in a long, long time. The sensations from such viewing are many times stronger than usual.
Briefly about the plot[edit]
The essence in 5 minutes
There is the main character Kousei Arima - he is a (former) brilliant pianist. Yes, he is still a teenager, he used to win prestigious competitions, but since his mother died, he has not played. He meets a wonderful violinist girl, Kaori Miyazono (who, however, is dating his best friend), and everything goes wrong... The violinist forces him to play, first to accompany herself, then to more and more serious competitions. The main character overcomes his blocky psychological complex, realizes his feelings, and then Kaori dies. In fact, for about half the story she is sick and getting worse. At the time of the most important competition (to which Kosei encouraged Kaori), she does not recover from anesthesia during the operation.
The whole action can be roughly divided into three parts:
- Kaori forces Kousei to pull his head out of his ass.
- Kousei overcomes his complex over his mother's death.
- Kosei's feelings are slowly growing, and Kaori's health is slowly deteriorating - until the natural ending.
Okay, it's time to take a closer look at the main characters. There are four of them in total:
Kousei Arima. A pianist who has lost the ability to hear himself play. Even though Kosei was afraid of his mother, he loved her and tried to win all competitions in the hope that it would make her feel better. It is not surprising that after her death, Kosei lost his purpose in life. So he would have lived at half capacity if he had not met one daring violinist on his life’s path.
I think many people might not like such an insecure and “ordinary” protagonist. But think for yourself: how would you grow up if you were constantly under the yoke of your mother? What would you be like if you experienced everything that Kosei experienced? Even though he also wanted to have fun with his friends, he trained hard all day long to please his mother. I liked Kosei: he is a simple, talented guy who has survived many cruel trials. As the plot develops, he reveals his soul to those around him, which arouses even greater sympathy.
Kaori Miyazono. A beautiful violinist who lives life to the fullest, is kind and sweet. While still a little girl, she saw Kosei perform, and since then her dream has been to play a duet with him. Since childhood, Kaori had poor health, which is why she was often hospitalized. Having learned that she did not have long left, she decided to live the way she wanted, so as not to regret anything in heaven. Since Kaori understood that Tsubaki would not be happy with the request to introduce her to Kosei, she decided to use a little trick - “your April lie.” She said that she was in love with Ryota, because it was the only way to get closer to the inseparable trinity. And this was the only way she could finally meet the man who inspired her to play the violin, and play a duet with him.
One of the most beautiful female characters I've ever seen. It's impossible not to fall in love with her. There are people around whom a special atmosphere literally hovers - an atmosphere of positivity and joy of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that Kosei fell in love with Kaori, because in her he saw his opposite, he strived to become like her: to do what he wanted, to play as he wanted, in general, to enjoy life. Many people should learn optimism from Kaori, otherwise sometimes you walk down the street, look at the lean faces of those around you, and you yourself feel sick.
Tsubaki Sawabe. Kosei's childhood friend. She was always next to him. Honest and fair, she always puts the interests of her friends ahead of her own. She expressed herself about Kosei as follows: “He’s like a good-for-nothing younger brother to me . However, as the story progresses, the fact that she is in love with Kosei becomes apparent. Everyone sees this except themselves. Tsubaki is the only one who was friends with Kosei as a child, despite his strict mother. Tsubaki is very athletic and is on the baseball team at school.
Yes, we can say that Tsubaki’s type is stereotyped - a childhood friend in love with the main character. But you know, I can’t even dare say something like that. Still, she turned out no worse than Kaori. Tsubaki herself did not understand how dear Kosei was to her, she did not understand until she began to lose him. As they say: we don't value what we have until we lose it. So appreciate what you have!
Ryota Watari. Another friend of Kousei. Captain of the football team, renowned heartthrob. That doesn't stop him from being a good friend to both Tsubaki and Kosei. Moreover, he is one of the first to realize that Kaori actually loves Kosei.
Even though he is one of the four main characters, he was given a small role in the plot. I think it was added to show his contrast with Kosei. After all, to be happy, you don’t have to be popular with girls and win sports competitions. It’s enough to do what you love and don’t leave your chosen path even one step. Even when it’s hard and you want to give up.
In addition to the four main characters listed, there are also about six to seven minor ones. I will not give a detailed list, but I will note that all the minor characters are in their places. I don’t see any superfluous among them; each one conveys some idea and plays its own role in the plot. For example, Takeshi Aiza and Emi Igawa demonstrate that competition can lead to positive results, and that you should not make idols for yourself, so as not to be disappointed later. Or, for example, Kosei’s mother is a shining example of the fact that you shouldn’t try to realize your own dreams in your children. In general, I have no questions about the choice of characters: everyone has their place.
Briefly about the plot[edit]
When Kosei Arima was still playing, his mother was already seriously ill. In an attempt to ensure a future for her son (and let’s be honest, to ensure her memory), she puts more and more pressure on Kosei, preventing him from developing creatively, this goes as far as beating Kosei with a stick in front of all the honest people. Kosei cannot stand it in response and, in public, sends his mother to hell, wishing her to die as soon as possible (which soon happened, and it was because of this that the guy developed a guilt complex). During one of his last performances, Kosei is heard by a girl pianist, Kaori Miyazono, and immediately falls in love with him - once and for all. (Approximately the same thing happens with two supporting characters: rival pianists Takeshi and Emi. But if Takeshi wants to defeat an unexpected opponent, then everything is complicated with Emi.) She retrains as a violinist and goes to the same school with Kosei, although she is often absent due to illness .
After Arima quit playing due to the death of his mother, he ekes out a miserable existence, supported only by two old friends - Tsubaki and Ryota.
About a couple of months before the start of the plot, Kaori realizes that she can’t live like this (and also, apparently, that she doesn’t have much time left) and decisively changes herself. She puts on contacts instead of glasses, dyes her hair blonde and asks Tsubaki to introduce her to Ryota - she is not aware of the dynamics in this trio, but she assumes (and she is right!) that Tsubaki may be interested in Kosei. This is how the title “April lie” arises - in fact, the question is, who does Kaori Miyazono love?
Apparently, Ryota understands this too, because the Ryota-Kaori relationship is somehow frozen and generally for show - Ryota is not ashamed to run after other girls. The Kaori-Kosei relationship is seriously complicated by the slow Kosei, both because of the standard anime foolishness and “this is my best friend’s girlfriend!”
The plot can easily be divided into two parts of eleven episodes each. If the first part is light and bright, and is mainly devoted to the internal struggle of Kosei with his mother, then the second part is much sadder. An attentive viewer will notice that even the color scheme changes - if in the first part of the series the picture is pink and light, then the second part takes on gray shades. In general, such a plot structure is more than justified: only in this way can the maximum psychological effect be achieved. The viewer needs to gain common memories with the anime characters so that they can later empathize with them.
While I have no complaints about the second part of the plot, I didn’t like a couple of points in the first part. The first is a huge number of flashbacks , that is, scenes where the characters remember what happened in their past. This was especially abused in the moments when the characters play the piano. And the second is the storyline about Kosei's mother . It's too long and I found it boring. Not everyone will be interested in watching the mental torment of the main character, especially given that his psychological problem may seem strange. To summarize: the first part of the anime is a little long and not without its shortcomings, the second part is simply gorgeous.
A few words about the ending . I've heard a lot of negative reviews about this. However, I categorically disagree with them - in my opinion, it was simply impossible to come up with a better ending . A happy ending would ruin the impression. I would never trade the pleasant melancholy in my heart for the sugary sweetness of a good ending. Moreover, with a happy ending, we would not have had that wonderful letter, every line of which penetrates to the depths of our souls. The young violinist with sparkling eyes will remain in my memory for a long time, as well as in the memory of the millions of viewers who watched this anime. This means that we have fulfilled Kaori’s main wish. “You came from where it is always spring. You exist only there and nowhere else.”
- Arima Kosei
is a fourteen-year-old boy, a brilliant pianist. As a child, his mother's best friend Seto Hiroko noticed his talent, which is why his dying mother began training him - seven to ten hours of lessons a day, with punishment for every mistake. The punishments became more severe the further, and in the end, it came to the point that Kosei’s mother beat Kosei with a stick in public. This was the last straw for him, and he wished his mother to die to his face. And so it happened. After that, he began to blame himself for her death, and in addition to severe PTSD, which prevented him from even sitting at the piano, he stopped hearing his own play. More precisely, he wanted to play, but at the same time, due to memories and feelings of guilt, he simply could not, and the psyche found such self-justification (if you can’t play, you don’t need to play). As a result, he stopped playing and sat in reflection for three years, turning into a typical Shinji. Until he met Kaori, whom he fell in love with. - Miyazono Kaori
is a fourteen-year-old girl and an extremely talented violinist. As a child, I saw Kosei performing, was extremely inspired by the amazingly “live” music and wanted to learn to play - not the piano, but the violin, so that one day he would accompany her. Several years before the events of the canon, her condition began to deteriorate sharply, and she was admitted to the hospital, gradually beginning to spend more time in it than outside it, which is why she almost did not attend school and, in general, grew up as an extremely reserved and shy child. At one point, seeing her parents crying as they listened to the diagnosis, she realized that she did not have long to live, and decided to spend the remaining time so that she would be remembered. He begins to perform at various music competitions, invariably ignoring the rules of the competition and conventions, but receiving applause from the audience. She independently overcomes her complexes and asociality, exchanges her glasses for contact lenses and asks an almost unfamiliar classmate to introduce her to Kosei, with whom she has been in love since childhood. As a result, in a few months she pulls him out of the abyss of complexes, returns him to the stage and gives him a constant incentive to work on himself, while not allowing him to become overly attached to himself in order to avoid too much grief after her death. Throughout the canon, her condition gradually worsens, and in the last episode she dies, having achieved everything she wanted. - Watari Ryota
is Kosei's best friend since childhood. The most popular guy on the block, captain of the school football team. He supports Kosei throughout the canon, and when he finds out about Kaori’s situation, he agrees to her proposal to pretend that they are dating so that Kosei does not have time to become too attached to the dying woman. Nevertheless, he visited Kaori in the hospital every day, bringing her books and entertaining her, and in general did an order of magnitude more for her than anyone else in the company. - Sawabe Tsubaki
is Kosei's neighbor and childhood friend. Since they grew up in neighboring houses, they often played and she tried to defend Kousei to his mother. In school life, she took on the role of an older sister and for a long time she herself did not realize her feelings for him. Member of the softball team, one of the school's best athletes. For a long time she tried to bring Kosei back to the stage and Kaori helped her in every possible way, but ended up being left out. When she learned that Kosei was going to enroll in a school in another prefecture, she caught up with her noticeably behind in her studies and entered a school in the same place. - Igawa Emi
is a talented pianist, but inferior to Kosei. As a child, she sat in the same auditorium as Kaori, but she acted differently - she decided to become such a good pianist that Kousei could not help but notice her. A man of mood: after he left, she began to play much worse, having lost the incentive to develop. In the finals, she entered the same high school as Kosei. - Aiza Takeshi
is a talented pianist, but inferior to Kosei. He always strived to be the best and, having met Emi and Kosei at the competition, lost for the first time. What offended him the most was that Kousei didn't even pay attention to him, and he decided to surpass him no matter the cost. Thanks to this, Takeshi won all possible competitions in Japan by the time of the canon, but refused to go to Europe, because he believed that Kosei would return to the stage. - Seto Hiroko
is the best friend of Kosei's mother, who discovered his talent, and the best pianist in Japan at the time of the canon. She felt guilty towards Kousei for everything he went through and became his mentor in the second part of the anime, preparing him for the competition and acting as his older sister. - Aiza Nagi
is Takeshi's younger sister with a pronounced little sister complex.
Due to the fact that Takeshi became isolated on Kosei and stopped paying attention to her, she herself decided to become a pianist and force him to pay attention to her. At the beginning, she did her best to cause problems for Kosei in order to help her brother win, but after that she asked to become Seto’s student, and she handed her over to Kosei’s leadership, against the background of which they became friends. She successfully performed a duet with Kosei, which caused her brother to first be fiercely bombarded, and then to reassess his attitude towards both her and his opponent. Small tidbit: in the coda (side story) of the manga, which takes place 2 years after the canon, an older Nagi is shown on the phone furiously urging someone to call her by her name, and not “Aiza-san”, and urging not to be afraid of anger brother
At the same time, her friends are trolling her about “another love quarrel,” but she doesn’t think of snapping back (as she did before). Considering that no one except Kosei addresses her like that anymore (and also that it’s unlikely that Takeshi would bomb like that because of anyone else), it’s obvious that Nagi was talking to Arima, and that she’s most likely in love with him (reciprocally or not - alas, it is unknown) .
Okay, we've looked at the characters, we've looked at the plot. It's time to move on to drawing . She is unusual and amazingly beautiful. At first, the design of the characters (especially their lips) may seem unusual, but after watching a couple of episodes you don’t notice such little things. Gorgeously drawn backgrounds, gorgeously drawn characters. I knew that A-1 Pictures knew how to draw cool, but in “Your Lie in April” they outdid themselves. Another very cool fact is that the color scheme matches the general atmosphere and conveys the mood. I took a huge number of screenshots, everything is clearly visible on them.
Anime Amino
Review of the anime Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (“Your Lie in April”)
Your April lie... Only three words, but how many feelings and meaning are hidden in them. I put off writing a review of this anime for a long time, for a very long time, but the time has come to overcome myself and overcome the storm of emotions seething in the depths of my heart. I warn you right away - it is physically impossible to write a review of “Your Lie in April” without spoilers. Therefore, I say in advance: this anime is definitely worth watching, you can proceed to watch it. Just keep in mind that it is emotionally strong, and if you, for example, are depressed, then watching it will only get worse. If for certain reasons you are not afraid of spoilers (and in the case of “Your Lie in April” they can really spoil the viewing experience), then you can continue reading the review. I warned you!
Brief information
So, the musical anime Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (“Your Lie in April”) was released in late 2014 - early 2015 by A-1 Pictures. A total of 22 episodes were shown, and in the spring of 2015 an additional episode (OVA) about the very young main characters was released. The series was broadcast on the Japanese channel Fuji TV as part of the noitaminA block. This time the anime is based on a popular manga, and one interesting fact is connected with it: the release of the manga ended just a month before the end of the anime! That is, even the most ardent fans learned about the ending only a month before everyone else. A curious technique that allowed the anime to attract increased attention, while at the same time increasing sales of the manga.
Your Lie in April tells the story of a talented pianist, fourteen-year-old Kousei Arima. As a child, he won absolutely every competition in which he participated, thanks to tireless training under the guidance of his strict mother. However, his mother was seriously ill, and after her death, Kosei lost the ability to hear himself play, as a result of which he gave up playing the piano. Since then, the whole world seems to him monotonous and devoid of bright colors. The only joy in his life remains his friends - his neighbor Tsubaki Sawabe and his friend Ryota Watari. This continued until a headstrong violinist named Kaori Miyazono brazenly burst into his drab life. She will help the main character return to the world of music, whether he wants it or not.
First impressions can be deceiving. I was convinced of this by my own example. When I watched the first episode of “Your Lie in April,” I abandoned further viewing until better times. It seemed to me that this was another stupid anime about ordinary schoolchildren who play musical instruments in their free time and sort things out with each other. Damn it, I've never been so wrong in my life...
Returning to watching a month later, I watched all 22 episodes in a couple of days - the whirlpool of emotions is so addictive. I again felt like an ordinary fourteen-year-old schoolboy, watching what was happening not through a monitor screen, but standing somewhere next to the characters at arm's length. It’s as if everything happens not with drawn anime characters, but with people you know well, with your friends. I haven't experienced anything like this in a long, long time. The sensations from such viewing are many times stronger than usual.
Okay, it's time to take a closer look at the main characters. There are four of them in total:
Kousei Arima. A pianist who has lost the ability to hear himself play. Even though Kosei was afraid of his mother, he loved her and tried to win all competitions in the hope that it would make her feel better. It is not surprising that after her death, Kosei lost his purpose in life. So he would have lived at half capacity if he had not met one daring violinist on his life’s path.
I think many people might not like such an insecure and “ordinary” protagonist. But think for yourself: how would you grow up if you were constantly under the yoke of your mother? What would you be like if you experienced everything that Kosei experienced? Even though he also wanted to have fun with his friends, he trained hard all day long to please his mother. I liked Kosei: he is a simple, talented guy who has survived many cruel trials. As the plot develops, he reveals his soul to those around him, which arouses even greater sympathy.
Kaori Miyazono. A beautiful violinist who lives life to the fullest, is kind and sweet. While still a little girl, she saw Kosei perform, and since then her dream has been to play a duet with him. Since childhood, Kaori had poor health, which is why she was often hospitalized. Having learned that she did not have long left, she decided to live the way she wanted, so as not to regret anything in heaven. Since Kaori understood that Tsubaki would not be happy with the request to introduce her to Kosei, she decided to use a little trick - “your April lie.” She said that she was in love with Ryota, because it was the only way to get closer to the inseparable trinity. And this was the only way she could finally meet the man who inspired her to play the violin, and play a duet with him.
One of the most beautiful female characters I've ever seen. It's impossible not to fall in love with her. There are people around whom a special atmosphere literally hovers - an atmosphere of positivity and joy of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that Kosei fell in love with Kaori, because in her he saw his opposite, he strived to become like her: to do what he wanted, to play the way he wanted, in general, to enjoy life. Many people should learn optimism from Kaori, otherwise sometimes you walk down the street, look at the lean faces of those around you, and you yourself feel sick.
Tsubaki Sawabe. Kosei's childhood friend. She was always next to him. Honest and fair, she always puts the interests of her friends ahead of her own. She expressed herself about Kosei as follows: “He’s like a good-for-nothing younger brother to me.” However, as the story progresses, the fact that she is in love with Kosei becomes apparent. Everyone sees this except themselves. Tsubaki is the only one who was friends with Kosei as a child, despite his strict mother. Tsubaki is very athletic and is on the baseball team at school.
Yes, we can say that Tsubaki’s type is stereotyped - a childhood friend in love with the main character. But you know, I can’t even dare say something like that. Still, she turned out no worse than Kaori. Tsubaki herself did not understand how dear Kosei was to her, she did not understand until she began to lose him. As they say: we don't value what we have until we lose it. So appreciate what you have!
Ryota Watari. Another friend of Kousei. Captain of the football team, renowned heartthrob. That doesn't stop him from being a good friend to both Tsubaki and Kosei. Moreover, he is one of the first to realize that Kaori actually loves Kosei.
Even though he is one of the four main characters, he was given a small role in the plot. I think it was added to show his contrast with Kosei. After all, to be happy, you don’t have to be popular with girls and win sports competitions. It’s enough to do what you love and don’t leave your chosen path even one step. Even when it’s hard and you want to give up.
In addition to the four main characters listed, there are also about six to seven minor ones. I will not give a detailed list, but I will note that all the minor characters are in their places. I don’t see any superfluous among them; each one conveys some idea and plays its own role in the plot. For example, Takeshi Aiza and Emi Igawa demonstrate that competition can lead to positive results, and that you should not make idols for yourself, so as not to be disappointed later. Or, for example, Kosei’s mother is a shining example of the fact that you shouldn’t try to realize your own dreams in your children. In general, I have no questions about the choice of characters: everyone has their place.
The plot can easily be divided into two parts of eleven episodes each. If the first part is light and bright, and is mainly devoted to the internal struggle of Kosei with his mother, then the second part is much sadder. An attentive viewer will notice that even the color scheme changes - if in the first part of the series the picture is pink and light, then the second part takes on gray shades. In general, such a plot structure is more than justified: only in this way can the maximum psychological effect be achieved. The viewer needs to gain common memories with the anime characters so that they can later empathize with them.
While I have no complaints about the second part of the plot, I didn’t like a couple of points in the first part. The first is a huge number of flashbacks, that is, scenes where the characters remember what happened in their past. This was especially abused in the moments when the characters play the piano. And the second is the storyline about Kousei’s mother. It's too long and I found it boring. Not everyone will be interested in watching the mental torment of the main character, especially given that his psychological problem may seem strange. To summarize: the first part of the anime is a little long and not without its shortcomings, the second part is simply gorgeous.
A few words about the ending. I've heard a lot of negative reviews about this. However, I categorically disagree with them - in my opinion, it was simply impossible to come up with a better ending. A happy ending would ruin the impression. I would never trade the pleasant melancholy in my heart for the sugary sweetness of a good ending. Moreover, with a happy ending, we would not have had that wonderful letter, every line of which penetrates to the depths of our souls. The young violinist with sparkling eyes will remain in my memory for a long time, as well as in the memory of the millions of viewers who watched this anime. This means that we have fulfilled Kaori’s main wish. “You came from where it is always spring. You exist only there and nowhere else.”
Okay, we've looked at the characters, we've looked at the plot. It's time to move on to drawing. She is unusual and amazingly beautiful. At first, the design of the characters (especially their lips) may seem unusual, but after watching a couple of episodes you don’t notice such little things. Gorgeously drawn backgrounds, gorgeously drawn characters. I knew that A-1 Pictures knew how to draw cool, but in “Your Lie in April” they outdid themselves. Another very cool fact is that the color scheme matches the general atmosphere and conveys the mood. I took a huge number of screenshots, everything is clearly visible on them.
Music. The main reason for watching “Your Lie in April” was the music. I love musical anime, what can I do? Of course, it did not disappoint me: the immortal classic will never get old. Music is the key to people's hearts, it is the universal language of communication. Classical music has a special way of reaching the most hidden corners of the human soul. And I am grateful to “Your Lie in April” for motivating me to continue playing guitar. I think that watching it can also serve as an impetus for you to engage in creativity, because this is the easiest way to remain in people’s memories forever, as Kaori wanted.
When I started watching, I didn't expect to see any drama in this anime at all. Yes, there are a couple of moments in the plot when Kaori subtly hints about her illness, but I still wasn’t ready for the ending. Before this, only Clannad was able to squeeze a stingy male tear out of me, now Your April Lie is added to this short list. If I, a non-sentimental person, was able to be touched by Kaori’s story, then it can have an extremely strong effect on some. The scene on the roof of the hospital is just something. And reading a letter on the roof of the school is in no way inferior to it. The most painful thing is to realize that somewhere in our vast world a similar story could really happen, the heroes of which were real people. I can't even imagine what they had to go through. Watching what is happening from the outside is one thing, but experiencing something like this yourself is completely different. Especially if you, like the anime characters, are only fourteen years old.
I think some of you might say: “What’s wrong with that? Anyone can come up with a sob story. It’s nothing special, and there’s no point in admiring something like that.” You know, I've already seen so many anime that I've lost count. And only two scenarios were able to break through the defenses of my heart and made me truly empathize with the main characters. To do this, a beautiful and touching story, well-chosen characters, high-quality art and music must be woven together. And it is extremely rare for all these characteristics to be at a high level at the same time. It takes a lot of work on every aspect of an anime to make it look like Your Lie in April. I am in awe of the work A-1 Pictures has done.
For all its drama, the anime is very skillfully diluted with humor. Just like our life - it also consists of a series of black and white stripes. No one can be sad or happy all the time. The competent use of humor makes the characters closer to the viewer; this is what makes them come alive. Few people want to empathize with a depressed bundle of hopelessness. All the more valuable to me is Kaori’s character: even knowing that she will soon die, she does not give up and thoroughly enjoys every minute she lives. Isn't this the meaning of life? Who knows…
Characters - 10.0. I just can't give Kaori anything else.
Plot - 8.0. The second part of the anime is very powerful. I have several complaints about the first part, which I described above in the review.
Drawing - 10.0. Just look at the photos.
Music - 10.0. Excellent. Not only does the anime use classical music, but the opening and ending sequences are gorgeous. Listen and enjoy
Drama - 10.0. I don’t want to repeat myself, I have already described all my feelings above. I'll just say one word - incomparable.
You know, I thought for a long time about what final grade I should give. From an emotional point of view, the anime deserves the highest rating. I remember how I was still a week away from watching Your Lie in April for the first time - it had such a strong effect on me. Such an emotionally powerful anime has not appeared for a long time, and is unlikely to appear in the near future. A must watch, but be prepared for the fact that it can have both a motivating and depressing effect on you. It all depends on the interpretation and your position in life.
Music. The primary reason for watching “Your Lie in April” for me was the music. I love musical anime, what can I do? Of course, it did not disappoint me: the immortal classic will never get old. Music is the key to people's hearts, it is a universal language of communication. Classical music has a special way of reaching the most hidden corners of the human soul. And I am grateful to “Your Lie in April” for motivating me to continue playing the guitar. I think that watching it can also serve as an impetus for you to engage in creativity, because this is the easiest way to remain in people’s memories forever, as Kaori wanted.
When I started watching, I didn't expect to see any drama in this anime at all. Yes, there are a couple of moments in the plot when Kaori subtly hints about her illness, but I still wasn’t ready for the ending. Before this, only Clannad was able to squeeze a stingy male tear out of me, now Your Lie in April . If I, a non-sentimental person, was able to be touched by Kaori’s story, then it can have an extremely strong effect on some. The scene on the roof of the hospital is just something. And reading a letter on the roof of the school is in no way inferior to it. The most painful thing is to realize that somewhere in our vast world a similar story could really happen, the heroes of which were real people. I can't even imagine what they had to go through. Watching what is happening from the outside is one thing, but experiencing something like this yourself is completely different. Especially if you, like the anime characters, are only fourteen years old.
I think some of you might say: “What’s wrong with that? Anyone can come up with a sob story. Nothing special, and you shouldn’t admire something like that . You know, I've already seen so many anime that I've lost count. And only two scenarios were able to break through the defenses of my heart and made me truly empathize with the main characters. a beautiful and touching story , well-chosen characters, high-quality art and music must be woven together . And it is extremely rare for all these characteristics to be at a high level at the same time. It takes titanic work on every aspect of an anime to make it like “Your Lie in April.” I am in awe of the work A-1 Pictures has done.
- Tear extractor is the essence.
- Nightmarish medical conditions - if you dig a little, what Kaori is sick with.
- I’m dying, I can do anything - subversion: approaching death helped Kaori, who had previously been a bluestocking, overcome her complexes.
- Hero and mentor - Kaori was a mentor to the much more talented Kosei, who buried this same talent in the ground due to drama in childhood. Also Seto for Kosei, preparing him for his performance.
- Doomed love - near the end for Kosei, always for Kaori.
- Well done - Kousei in the whole situation with Nagi.
- My best friend's girlfriend is Kaori!
- Beautiful male friendship - Ryota is simply a hero. He realized that the girl did not love him, and continued to play his role. He realized that his friend loved her - and stepped aside. Moreover, he continued to be a support for the dying Kaori, visiting her every day and carrying books, while Kosei was engaged in soul-searching and taught the student who had been slipped to him to play the piano.
- Doesn't know the hardware - there are a few problems related to music, but they don't interfere.
- The mentor is Kaori for Kosei in the first place, Hiroko Seto for him (Kaori returned to the stage, Hiroko acted as a full-fledged piano teacher). Later - Kousei himself for Naga.
- Once and for all - everyone has feelings. Unless Tsubaki has an aversion.
- Redemptive Sacrifice - Kaori essentially trades her life for the opportunity to play for Kosei.
- Details in a letter - no one said anything to anyone in person, but everyone seemed to understand everything.
- The Last Dance - ALL of Kaori's performances.
- The sad piano melody is in quantity, highlighted by the fact that it is not played in the background, but is performed live.
- Barefoot Angel is Kaori in its purest form, with a slightly “out of this world” twist (likes to use complex, strange words in English). Especially noticeable in the scenes in the park.
- First love - given the age of the main characters (14 years old) - is true for everyone. With the wick screwed on Tsubaki - during the story she develops an affair with the captain of the school team, but her first (and main) love was, after all, Kosei.
- I want my loved one to be happy - played by Kaori in its purest form. Actually, this is what the Lie of April is based on - knowing that she would not live long and wanting to protect Kosei from grief and painful affection, Kaori hid her love from Kosei, revealing herself only in a posthumous letter.
- Brunette and blonde: Kousei is a brunette, Kaori is a blonde. Miyazono fits the trope completely, while Kosei is more of an introvert and shinji.
- An indecisive boy, a decisive girl: Kosei is a shinji, Kaori is with a tense wick, she became like this only in the last year, realizing the proximity of death, before that she was a notorious schoolgirl-excellent student.
- But the boy doesn’t even know - in its pure form Tsubaki/Kosei. It is complicated by the fact that they are childhood friends, and Tsubaki herself did not immediately understand her own feelings.
- Either a girl, or a vision - to change Kosei under the influence of Kaori. In just over three months, she pulls him out of his deep crisis, returning him to the stage and curing the complexes and phobias left over from childhood. True, creating new ones during the narration, already connected with oneself.
- A love triangle - even two. Kousei/Kaori/Ryota, complicated by the situation in which Kaori finds herself, and generated, in fact, by the April lie. Kaori/Kosei/Tsubaki - Tsubaki understood everything too late, when her opinion finally ceased to matter to Kosei.
- Death is forever - alas, but no matter how much the fans cry, Kaori dies forever, and there is no happy ending with a happy cure. In the anime, we are even shown her grave and Kosei's farewell to her parents.
- A smile through tears is the end. Kaori, as expected, dies, but everything ends as well as possible: Kosei returns to the stage, forgives his mother and finds the strength to say goodbye and let Kaori go, playing a duet with her for the last time. Particularly impressionable viewers may experience catharsis.
- A tragic moment from childhood - Kosei's childhood. It wasn’t particularly scary, but the dying pianist mother, having discovered talent in her son, forced him to practice five to seven hours a day, punishing him for every mistake, eventually descending to hitting him with a stick.
- Shinji - Kousei, in his own rag persona. However, under the influence of Kaori and his favorite business, he changes for the better, and in the end he is a completely pleasant person.
- Golden hair, golden heart - Kaori, what else can I say. Complicated by a barefoot angel.
- Sunny blonde - right there.
- There is no antagonist - unless you count Kaori's illness as such, there really isn't one. Even Kosei's rivalry with Emi and Takeshi is extremely mild and never even turns into competition.
- Hug and cry - Kaori, with a stretch - Kosei. In the scenes with his childhood I really feel sorry for him.
- Dramatic illness - Kaori's situation. Starts in the third episode, and comes to the fore in the second half of the anime.
- Golden trio - several at once. Kousei/Tsubaki/Ryota are childhood friends and main characters. Kousei/Emi/Takeshi are rival musicians who become friends in the end. Although everything is very difficult for them.
- The good guy is Ryota Watari. Kosei’s friend and in many ways mentor, as well as an extremely pleasant person whose personal drama was left behind the scenes. He managed to step aside and silently support Kaori and Kosei during their most difficult time.
- The children's friend Kaori is shown in many scenes. She often involved Kosei in communicating with children.
For all its drama, the anime is very skillfully diluted with humor . Just like our life - it also consists of a series of black and white stripes. No one can be sad or happy all the time. The competent use of humor makes the characters closer to the viewer; this is what makes them come alive. Few people want to empathize with a depressed bundle of hopelessness. All the more valuable to me is Kaori’s character: even knowing that she will soon die, she does not give up and thoroughly enjoys every minute she lives. Isn't this the meaning of life? Who knows…
Characters – 10.0. I just can't give Kaori anything else.
Plot – 8.0. The second part of the anime is very powerful. I have several complaints about the first part, which I described above in the review.
Drawing – 10.0. Just look at the screenshots.
Music – 10.0. Excellent. Not only does the anime use classical music, but the opening and ending sequences are gorgeous. Listen and enjoy
Drama – 10.0. I don’t want to repeat myself; I have already described all my feelings above. I’ll just say one word – incomparable.
Rudean, special for
PS I took too many screenshots, but don’t let them go to waste:
In contact withReview of the anime Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (“Your Lie in April”) was last modified: April 22, 2021 by Rudean
Anime series “Your Lie in April” - reviews
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I finished watching it at 3am and couldn't sleep until the morning.
The composer and arranger himself carried the entire plot with his whole body and heart.
I haven't been watching anime for a long time. I try to watch only those that are suitable or based on advice. I looked at several films and all were dramatic. This one, out of the four I watched, outdid them all.
I want to say a lot about it, but I'm afraid to spoil it.
In general, I recommend it to anyone who hasn’t watched it forcibly.
Well, if anyone has a desire, then suggest similar anime.
Thank you in advance.
A very complex and difficult anime, truly heartbreaking... not to cry at the end... extremely unrealistic. I recommend the anime, but I think it’s better not to watch it if you’re too emotional.
... Too long. So much so that by episode 12 I was already skipping for 2-5 minutes... Too much snot. If anyone thinks that I am simply not knowledgeable enough about such Thais. Then check “voice shape”! And this anime only made me disappointed and wasted a lot of time on it...
Nowadays it is not very easy to find a worthwhile anime that will touch you to the core. And here it is, “Lie in April” - an anime that will make you feel thousands of emotions at once. You can laugh, cry, be sad, rejoice with these characters. And the music that plays in this work is simply beautiful, soulful and deep. Emotions splashed across my face, making me empathize with the characters. I finished watching it in one sitting in one day. I didn’t even get up from my chair just to find out what would happen next. And here it is, of course, I was hoping for something else, but still. The world is not always the way we want it to be. This anime really made me feel a lot and change some perspectives on my life.
Good anime to watch in your spare time
There are anime with a similar plot.
Your Lie in April is the work of Naoshi Arakawa, who really has talent, and this wonderful work proves it. Drama, comedy, romance, art, and all this gives us what we all want, to just sit at the computer or in front of the TV and enjoy. The anime shows that you need to try your best and go towards your goal even if there are obstacles. Despite the fact that one of the main characters is a genius who won all the competitions, he cannot play the piano due to a childhood trauma that shook his psyche. But, as in many anime and films, he is saved, so to speak, by one amazing girl.
I'm disappointed :c
I finished watching “Your Lie in April”
The name is very beautiful
The anime is unrealistically beautiful, the music *O*
The way the playing of musical instruments was drawn is simply something
I don't really like the plot :c
I knew that something bad would happen, and right from the first episode you understand exactly what will happen, you just wonder when and how it will be shown. And I thought that since everyone likes this anime so much, they’ll probably show super experiences like that. Noooo I'm disappointed. Perhaps because I was expecting real crying from this anime. Yes, most likely, I just wanted something powerful. There was no power here. Everything went smoothly, sadly. No surprises or anything. The last episode is the most emotional, and quite a bit.
The history is not embedded inside. I already forgot about her.
I'm upset. I'm sad not because of the anime, but because it didn't take me :c
In general, not that. More could have been squeezed out of such an idea, and even more so from such panache.
The anime is great, really. But it passes by. You stand and look, and this story passes you by very beautifully, and you will never be able to get used to it. I think I'll rewatch this anime. I hope it resonates with me more next time.
The drawing in the anime is excellent, very good processing and effects. The plot is wonderful, very exciting, and... In general, everything in the anime is wonderful. Very. Even though the ending was disgusting (because it was heartbreakingly sad, not because it was stupid or wrong), and I cried, it was fitting. This is truly a fitting end to a worthy anime.
It has become my favorite, of which there really are not many.
It is clear almost from the first episodes where everything is going. The beginning is good and then it declines... a lot of flashbacks and naivety. I think it will have a great impact on teenagers (especially musicians). Overall, you can watch it once. 6.5-7/10. Ps: I liked the grimaces they make there)
in some episodes it sounds classical in a beautiful performance, interesting, exciting, educational
the first episode is quite stupid and confusing, the story is much deeper and more interesting than it seems at first
Before I started watching the anime series “Your Lie in April” (2014), I read the reviews. And I was very surprised by the high expectations from this work and the comparison with “Nodame Cantabile”. If you watch the first episode, there is absolutely nothing in common. Clueless, not very interesting. But with each new episode my opinion changed, and I was already looking forward to episode 9. This work is better than Nodame Cantabile in my opinion. How do they become brilliant musicians? Hard training, strict adherence to the composers' ideas, or do you just need to feel the melody? And if psychological trauma, poor health and teenage problems are superimposed on top. Is it possible to continue living without music if you always “breathed” it before? What fascinates me about this series is, first of all, the way the characters perform classical works. I never studied at a music school and such a concept as the presence or absence of hearing is not familiar to me, but the music heard in anime touches and makes you empathize. What emotions were initially invested in it? And whether the reaction depends on the genius of the composer or musician who conveyed the author’s intention to us. And, of course, the series contains stories of first love (everything is intertwined there), but very innocently and so far superficial. The anime series “Your Lie in April” is still being filmed. I saw another name on the Internet: “April is your lie.”
Ichigo Kurasaki
People - Just don't fart bomb, okay? I don't know why, but I started watching anime with a straight face - and ended watching it with a straight face. Here I am, however, a creature... You know, nothing bothered me - except maybe the story of the Main Character's mother... Somehow, not like that.
Akbar Kriteru
There are many monotonous anime, but there are masterpieces that, when you watch them, you are surprised and ask the question “How could they create this?” Your Lie in April is one of those animes. You will like the story, but watch to the end. The characters are interesting. There is no vulgarity and this is a plus. All the Girls are modestly and discreetly dressed and drawn, but there are jokes about vulgarity. Music, the most important thing in this anime, is piano music. If you like stupid comedies, which are quite a lot among anime, then this is not for you. If you are bored playing the piano or listening to the game, then it is not for you, this is for sensitive people, people who love the classics. This is a masterpiece among masterpieces. Here is a list of the best anime with an original and quite interesting plot: “Chef Fighter Soma”, “Death Parade”, “Echoes of Terror”, “Freedom”, “Durarara”, “Joker’s Game” and of course this masterpiece, I add this with confidence to top All of the anime listed above teach something and are enjoyable. Happy Viewing!
Plot+5 Characters+5 Music+5
the downside is that it has a very tragic ending
Usually, I’m not very keen on watching anime, but this particular one interested me, so I decided to watch it on the recommendation of a friend. I prefer to listen to different music, so it was a great pleasure to listen to the classics, I was very immersed in the main character, internally and spiritually we are similar, in some ways... It is clear how much he experienced the death of a loved one, he was very immersed in the plot and the love story of the characters, this How can you hide your feelings so clearly? But there was deep sympathy between them, in addition to friendship, love in films and cartoons really touches me, because you yourself experience something similar... There were moments when I even shed a lot of tears, especially in the last episodes, when she finally died, it’s a pity that so much They made the end of the series tragic, but we see that there is a person next to him who will not leave him alone.
So I’m sitting like this and thinking why I went to watch this title 4 hours before the exam. In the beginning, everything started out quite well, but I was struck by the fact that he couldn’t even say a word against Kaore and Tsubaki. Kousei is like, “The girl knows better what I should do.” And I just died from the demolition of the tower. Then, with a wave of the stick, I was able to play normally. Fantastic! In general, I quit anime after episode 5. 1/10 is my only unit of all time
Art, plot, music.
And here again, as always, flipping through the anime that I want to watch, I come across such an anime as Your Lie in April. I think this anime is one of the best, maybe even the best. This anime has it all: friendship, grief, loss, love. The action takes place around the main character Kasei Arima, a musician who has played the piano since childhood, but it so happened that due to illness his mother died and now, left alone in this gray world, he finds her his love, the meaning of his whole life and they in the future they create a magnificent duet (take a look for yourself). The ending brings tears to everyone's eyes. The anime revolves around music, so whoever is a musician will be close to this, and the anime mainly plays music of great composers. The drawing will please everyone as it is very bright and dynamic. The anime is simply a masterpiece, everyone should watch it!!!
Just finished watching the title. In principle, I expected more, but that’s not the point.
Let's start with the positives.
The characters are good and develop. Several times I was incredibly glad that Mr. was not afraid of his actions. I am glad.
The plot was not bad, everything was quite predictable.
Emotions. This is probably the main strength of the title. Even now my chest hurts, although I didn’t cry much. Yes, sad, yes sad, but quite tolerable. However, the feeling of sadness still does not leave me, and this already says something.
Music is an obvious plus, I don’t think there’s any need to talk about it.
And now about the cons. If you look with your brain half-on, then there are no particular shortcomings. However, if you think about it, the actions, speeches, and thoughts of the characters are painfully unrealistic. Think for yourself, 14-year-old schoolchildren, and they are pushing such speeches, wow.
Bottom line: I expected more. Don't get me wrong, the title is good, even very good, but I thought I would cry or something like that. Well, I got this impression from the reviews of others, but it didn’t happen. It’s a pity, this hasn’t happened to me for a very long time. Oh yes, the animation is cheap in places, many things are not detailed, frames are repeated, but this is so, a trifle.
This anime is new, still coming out. Each episode touches your soul. It will be especially interesting for musicians to watch it, because... concerts (competitions) are often shown there.
The drawing is very good, it’s nice to look at and gives the impression of something light and airy. Don't be intimidated by the words "light" and "airy." Here I'm talking specifically about drawing. The anime itself is very interesting.
The storyline is captivating and suspenseful. Honestly, I’m no longer a student, but I cried over many episodes. Very touching things are revealed in this anime.
Of course, there was some romance. I love romance. She is very pleasant and easy-going here. It is not yet completely clear how it will all end.
I advise everyone to watch “Your Lie in April.” You will not regret. An impressive and inspiring anime.
Victor Zakharov
I haven't left any reviews until now. Because I didn’t see the point in expressing my thoughts about certain titles.
But this is something else. And I didn’t want to write it for a good reason.
Firstly, wild clichés.
Gg rag, chan came to him and gave meaning to his existence.
Seriously? Well this is something new (no)
The characters are also well-chosen. Nothing of our own.
Secondly, the plot is wildly predictable.
From the very beginning, they poke us in the face about what will happen even when it does not fit into the plot. Why this or that hint could not have been shown later, in the middle or towards the end, is not clear. If only they showed it, then they repeat it.
I'm talking about that scene in the toilet when Mr. was performing.
Not serious. They took it and repeated it, and even voiced it. Thank you, otherwise we didn’t understand.
Well, the third thing I can’t stand.
This is a wildly drawn-out plot. They just drag and pull when there is no point at all. They repeat what we learned in the second and third rounds.
Thank you, we understand that his mother was rotten. And again flashbacks, oh well, otherwise I didn’t understand the first time.
And fourth.
Something I also despise. This is what stupidly squeezes out tears. No, there is normal drama. Where it’s sad because it’s sad (voice shape, angelic rhythms, plastic memories). And here you can clearly see how they are pumping and pumping with the same thing. They press and press to make you shed a tear, but sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
Bottom line.
I honestly don’t understand how this title got such ratings, and why it is so recommended.
I'm not saying that the anime is terrible, I understand that it may appeal to some people, but here you can clearly see how overrated it is. And I can’t understand the reason.
The beginning is not bad, the middle is so-so, the end is amazing. But some plot points exhausted themselves somewhere during the “school days”. I agree with one review, “a harsh samurai (meaning Japanese), touching and beautiful plot.” As for the art, as in any anime, you quickly get used to it if the plot is good. 9 points for plot and art. Regarding the musical accompaniment, the compositions were performed beautifully and always to the point. We were pleased with the first opening and ending. For musical accompaniment +1 point.
This title is a gorgeous thing, a must see for everyone. Slightly banal, predictable, maybe sometimes even boring, but in the end really worth the time spent, leaving a powerful impression and a long-lasting aftertaste.
My girlfriend taught piano and other things at Yamaha. She now remembers with horror these stupid children and their rich, show-off parents. And also a crap salary. All that remains from that time are a bunch of magazines with sheet music and a healthy YAMAHA Electone that takes up space in the apartment. It's a cool thing, you can do everything on it, you don't need an orchestra. I tell her, well, play me the Star Wars intro or the opening Gankutsuou, it’s playing.
I myself don’t like stupid, sweet anime for women and male losers, so I’ll give it 2 points and erase it. It is necessary and possible to make things more interesting about music and young people.
Now, of course, they’ll spit on me, but to hell with it - “I can’t remain silent.” There is too much unfounded enthusiasm. Take Nodame Cantabile + any school romcom + Hanbun no Tsuki in that order, do not mix, do not shake. The recipe is simple, but will always work. We add beautiful art in the shojo style and a lot of nice “classic” tracks. Adding cute characters. And drama. And a tragic past. And more drama. And a lot of suffering. Even more suffering. And we fill everything with drama. Ready.
I don’t want to say that the anime is bad - I liked it too, but when they so shamelessly press for pity... You still need to know when to stop. Anime is strong in images, atmospheric moments, a sense of the transience of youth and the search for oneself in an artistic environment. But there is so much forced drama. There is so much of it that pretty soon, instead of empathy, it begins to cause irritation and ruin the series.
At the moment, here, and on other sites, the ratings are quite high. But, it seems to me, when the storm of sparkling lights and sakura petals calms down and the dust settles, it will be possible to see the real state of affairs.
Lately, I’ve been starting to watch anime less and less often, new anime are no longer catchy... They don’t have that same atmosphere... Those same emotions... Snotty dramas made without a soul begin to irritate from the first episodes... But today I again felt what I felt in while watching my first anime...Although there is a lot of snot...A clumsy hero..It’s not at all repulsive...On the contrary: you worry about the main character, about the secondary characters...There were too many emotions during this anime...I think it will remain in my heart forever ...I would like to erase my memories of the last couple of days and revisit this masterpiece...