Empress Shoken and Emperor Meiji
Meiji Jingu Shrine - immersion in the history of Shintoism - unusual excursions in Tokyo
From left to right: Empress Shoken and Emperor Meiji Emperor Meiji was known for his love of
Japanese names in Japanese: spelling, sound and meaning
March 24, 2019 Origin of Alena Roads Nineteen centuries of its existence, the simple Japanese people had
tea ceremony
Tea drinking in Japan - what makes this ceremony interesting and unusual
The tea ceremony in Japan is an important part of the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun. For a certain
Exploding kawaii: how to understand contemporary Japanese art
Pioneers of performance art. What Japanese Art of the 1950s Means Today Documentation of Akira Kanayama's creative process and
Samurai with nobori (distinctive symbols)
Beautiful Japanese characters - warrior, strength, dragon, samurai. Japanese characters for tattoos
Features of Chinese characters Hanzi is the most mysterious and amazing form of writing. Each hieroglyph has
How to learn Japanese - the subtleties and difficulties of self-study
Japanese grammar for beginners seems to be simple. It's certainly much simpler
Educational tours to Japan: Japanese language, studying in Japan, Japanese language courses in Japan.
Sakura is a symbol of Japan, everyone knows this. But this does not mean that other representatives
Daruma doll. How to make a wish and have it come true!
Daruma doll. How to make a wish and have it come true! Today I won't talk about
Name Rin: meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, name day, famous people
The secret of the name Rin, the qualities of his personality, complete analysis. His strongest character traits are
How to say "can/can't/could/couldn't" in Japanese. Verb groups in Japanese
A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action or state of an object (“to be”, “to look”, “to walk” and
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