Yakuza Tattoo - Cultural Roots and Meanings (20 Photos)


Yakuza tattoos are called “Konjou” 根性 – “Fortitude” and “Gaman” 我慢 – “Patience”, because the irezumi master and his employer (usually the irezumi master, at least one is included in the gang) have to test how As a rule, it is precisely these qualities, carving on him colored patterns suitable for his criminal activities, but not only for this. Irezumi are applied throughout the entire, often short, life of the yakuza and their women, the latter “for beauty”, the former - new patterns with new qualities.

The drawings date back to Ukiyo-e painting of the Edo period, and this art itself was invented at the same time. They mainly depict mythical heroes (people and animals), Buddhist-Shinto motifs, and flowers and waves - for secondary filling of the remaining space.

With images of men:

悪源太– “Akugenta”,
aka Minamoto no Yoshihira (Heian), - the son of an emperor and a commoner in samurai robes, was distinguished by unsurpassed skill in battle, a symbol of ferocity.

火消し “Hikeshi”
- firefighter of the Edo era - courage, endurance. Rapid response teams.

is the name of a Buddhist guardian deity who is usually depicted holding a sword in his right hand and holding a rope in his left, baring his teeth and glaring fiercely at his enemies.
With a sharp sword he cuts down enemies - delusions, and with a net he catches bad people and awakens in them thoughts of faith. Patronizes merchants, i.e. in the understanding of the Yakuza - smuggling and drugs.

- a demon, often with a dragon and the sign of tomoe - a common emblem of the Yakuza strike force. Murderers, debt extorters.

夜叉 - “Yasha”, Yaksha
- a demon of the night with long white hair or a veil.

With images of women

– brothels, etc.

(with a lute, sometimes with a drum) – love and art.

- ghost of a woman.

Sacred beasts ,
used 3
, are often inflicted on the heads of structures, divisions or blood members of the family, although it can be simply like this:

, Suzaku, Fenghuang - phoenix bird. Often fights with the tiger, yin-yang nature.

- tiger - power, courage.

Other symbolic animals, fish and insects:

Koi carp
- often with maple leaves, a symbol of courage.
(See some designations here: https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/karinalin/post123397299/)

- Fo the dog, - luck, casino, betting, scam.

蜘蛛の巣– “Kumo no su”
- web with a spider - creativity, dexterity, kidnapping with or without ransom, kinbaku skill.

– “Hebi”
– snake – deceit, wisdom, chemistry.

There are also dogs, hawks, and other less common species. Additional motifs used include pine needles, peonies, chrysanthemums, sakura in a snowstorm, the surroundings of Fuji, fire, skulls, Chinese characters, hiragana and Sanskrit.

For example, 8 of the 12 animals of the east are listed here. horoscope - rat, bull, rabbit, snake, horse, monkey, rooster, dog (from left to right from top to bottom):

And in medieval Japan, criminals were marked on their foreheads:

(On the left, vertically down - 1st time caught - one line - “iti”, 2nd time caught - oblique cross, 3rd - “dai” or “inu” - already an inveterate “big” criminal, “dog”. Next options, - death on life, innate evil "aku", "give", ?, "mata" - "again" caught and "zero" - "zero", apparently just a complete zero X))

Espionage, as usual, mine.

From an aesthetic point of view

I must say that the Yakuza tattoos are very complex and full-color. Gangsters use a method of manually injecting ink under the skin. This technique is called “irezumi” and is painful. But the style is also becoming popular among those who do not belong to the yakuza, precisely due to the discomfort experienced, as other people also seek to test their fortitude.

There are still bans on some tattoos in Japan. For example, the mayor of Osaka prohibited civil servants from doing them and ordered them to reduce or change their jobs.

Yakuza tattoo meaning

And briefly the main thing

Among the Yakuza, the dragon design is the most popular, and this is no coincidence. The dragon is depicted with wings that look like flames. It is said that the mythical creature turns into a horned one after 500 years of life, and the next transformation occurs after another 500 years; the dragon becomes a winged fish. Such an image is the highest form of existence, having the meaning of an imperial essence. This is strength, power and confidence in one’s own position.

yakuza tattoo

And we cannot ignore the image of the long-eared turtle, which is worshiped in many religions as a divine messenger. The turtle is endowed with an abundance of magical abilities, but first of all, its ability to see the future is noted. In addition, it symbolizes security.

In conclusion, it must be said that the Japanese still pay attention to the abundance of tattoos on the body, and a completely covered sleeve raises suspicions of belonging to criminal structures. So, caution in choosing a tattoo design remains an important factor when designing your own image!


Why are the uninitiated attracted to yakuza tattoos? It's simple, the classic Japanese tattoo is very beautiful and has an interesting plot. It carries a hidden meaning and helps strangers find a common language. Such tattoos can depict religious scenes, heroes of legends and myths. This can be a combined design with an abundance of flowers, animals and landscapes. The created effect of presence is also possible. The subject matter is rich and has many motives. Conventionally, the latter can be divided into flora, fauna, myths and religion. All Japanese are fanatically in love with the sea, and therefore their tattoos can have a marine and water theme.

Yakuza tattoo photo

What are they?

What do we know about the Yakuza? Tattoos, traditional among adherents, are enviably popular, which means it would be good to find out a little about the affairs of these groups. In the criminal world of Japan they occupy the top positions. The Yakuza is often called the “Japanese mafia” because of the patriarchal structure and the principle of unquestioning submission to the boss that reigns within. The Yakuza strictly respect the rules and severely punish sins. There is stability within the clans, which is ensured by fraternal relations between ordinary members of the group. In the world of the yakuza, there is no clear delineation of zones of influence, and family ties are not the main framework of the organization. But the internal hierarchy, as well as the number and composition of the leadership, is approximately known. Since the 1950s, the country's police have kept records of yakuza groups, and some number more than a thousand gangsters. Yakuza members can be called samurai, but they are secretive and not cocky. The Yakuza doesn't need hype, but it does need results. Members of the group perceive each other as family, keep the secrets of the group, loyalty to the clan, and carry out the orders of their elders. They are required to know the laws of the group and the language of tattoos.

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