Clan (genus) Minamoto (源氏) Clan Minamoto (源氏) Japanese commoners did not have official surnames
What is so good and interesting about No? Noh theater originated in the 14th
Mysterious and unpredictable for Europeans, Japan is a tasty morsel for those tourists who want
The ritual of harakari or seppukuRitual murders are known to many peoples of the world: slaves and concubines were killed together
Etiquette must be observed even in friendship. Japanese proverb Japan is a country of high technology, sushi,
07/16/2021 15:00 332 Rice in Japan is the basis of all dishes. Similar to
The list of states bordering Russia consists of 18 countries. Our neighbors to the west are the Scandinavian
Since time immemorial, humanity has sought to represent such abstract concepts as good and evil in
In the modern world, the boundaries between cultures and peoples have become less clear than in
When you start learning a foreign language, you are always happy that you can now say this or that