Japanese character
Keys of Japanese characters. Kanji in Japanese
What are keys and why are they needed? To look up a word in the dictionary
Summer Festivals in Japan: Instructions for Use
'Tis the season for the sounds of taiko, late-night food stalls, yukata and goldfish games: yes,
How to learn hiragana in a week: tips and tricks
こんにちは。(KONNICHIWA)! Learning the Japanese language certainly begins with becoming familiar with the hiragana and katakana syllabaries.
Buddhism in Japan
Briefly about Buddhism in Japan - how schools and movements developed
Religious origins Archaeologists have long established that the first civilizations on Japanese territory appeared much
rock garden photo
Reanji Temple - why is it interesting and how to get there?
Japanese rock garden - this is the garden of Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto! Agree that Japan
Fairy tales2
Find out a step-by-step system for learning the Japanese alphabet to save 2-3 months of your life and learn the basics of the Japanese language in just 7 days
Hello, lovers of Japan and the Japanese language. This text is written specifically for you if you:
Japanese baths: ofuro, furako and sento - their features and the effectiveness of ablution procedures
The Japanese bath has little in common with traditional European baths and saunas. The process of ablution in
Colors in Japan: blue traffic lights, gairaigo and standards
Changing Meanings of Color Words Those who study Japanese are surprised by the “blue” traffic lights.
5 biggest mistakes people make when learning hieroglyphs
Many people encounter certain difficulties and frustrations when learning characters (漢字、kanji). Is not
“Cooler than men”: interesting facts about female yakuza that few people know
The Yakuza is the largest crime syndicate in the world. More than 100 thousand men involved in criminal
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